Well, today I woke up, not expecting much of this day, good or bad i mean...but the 1st thing that happened to me was getting mad!
Consider this topic up for discussion if you will. A friend of mine, also a blogger by the name of Ronwe, wrote something, his opinion about gay marriage and gay standards in general, and how he was so disappointed about how the politians of his country (Romania) were handling this. This friend of mine, who happens to think like me in this matter (he's a tolerant person) made very compelling arguments and stated his position quite clearly. Of course other people would read it and comment on what he wrote, but when I think I can't get surprised anymore, something or someone comes along and proves me wrong.
A 20 year old kid (by the nick of End3r) commented on his article saying and I quote:
"This isn't greece anymore. nature does not promote gayness. the natural way of things is opposite sex copulation , fags should be executed in front of the crowds (something like (panis et circus). This new age view is so wrong , you are forced to ACCEPT and tolerate something against the human nature.wrong."
My mouth dropped...
I can even understand old people thinking this way, well not understand but at least expect it, but young ones, writing this with this kind of hatred wraped around it? I just can't process this. And so I decided to counter-attack, and even if I went a bit over board, and created a double standard by being a tad intolerant myself, I stand my ground and won't take a single word back of my answer, which was this:
"Im all about tolerance really, although I must say some things are just beyhond my grasp and I find myself being INTOLERANT of ppl that in the 21st century still make comments like End3r. He's free to have his opinion (sadly) but Ronwe, you shouldnt talk in such a general sense and say things like "...you should consider something. Humans have been born with the wonderful ability to think...", because clearly End3r missed out on some of that wonderful power.I'm sorry , better yet, no Im not sorry, even if he finds this to be offensive, but if ppl like him had his way Barack Obama and his family would still be planting cotton fields and calling "master" to their white owner. Excuse my French, but fuck that! Freedom and tolerance are two of the most wonderful characteristics a person can have, and right now im failing at one cause i DO NOT tolerate biggets and prejudice creeps like this End3r who uses the words "fag" ( i bet he says "nigger" too") and talks about executions like a punch line to his brainless arguments... Better a marriage of 2 people of the same sex who are able to make it work, than a "regular" marriage with no respect, with a wife and kids being beaten everyday... And no one is being forced to Accept anything, and this isn't a "new wave". Difference is people are more educated (in some cases at least) today and have a hold of more information and can make up his mind based on facts, and gay people (who have been around since the dawn of time), from Marcus Antonius to Hudson Rock and Elton John, feel now a bit more confortable exposing themselves without being so afraid to be bashed on the street by pricks like you...Sry hippie to "Rant" on your page as well, but some things are just too much to take. ~And btw End3r, im a girl, the weaker sex like i bet you call us... get a life, better yet, get informed and maybe you'll stop being a close minded redneck."
Oh, and I added: "Oh wait... ~Ron White: "You can't fix stupid" ... my bad :x "
I'll leave it up to readers to judge, and you're free to do so, wether you're in favour of my opinion or not. Just dont expect me to be politically correct about this, cause there's no way in hell I'll ever accept people talking and thinking like this in the 21st century.
"What we envisage for every man, woman and child is a life where the exercise of individual gifts and personal rights is affirmed by the dynamic solidarity of our membership of the one human family."
-Nelson Mandela
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